Welcome to FrameBlends Project

This project is developed by Wenyue Xi (Suzie) for Google Summer of Code 2020 with Red Hen Lab

Project Description

Quick Index of Daily Progress

Community Bonding Period

Coding Period Before the First Evaluation

Coding Period Before the Second Evaluation

Coding Period Before the Third Evaluation

Quick Index of All Mentor Meeting Slides

Community Bonding Period

Preparation Stage

Blog Report 1

Part 1: Completed preparation tasks

After the initial meeting and the group meeting, I gain a more specific sense of the plan, path, and the direction of this project, and also feel supported by a professional and welcoming community. After the meeting, I review both my notes and the video recording of my initial project meeting. I summarized the tasks and finished some part of it, while setting a clear timeline of studying, planning, and coding.

I also reach out to the student who had worked on the FrameNet project last year(Yong Zheng Xin) from LinkedIn and got his email address. Thus, I can further email him to clarify some questions about FrameNet 1.7, Semafor and Open-Sesame in the following week. I have reached out to Professor Whitehouse and Professor Uhrig, who expressed interest in my project and proposal during the group meeting. Based on the large amount of information I have received, I list and finish some small tasks before setting a detailed plan and the general project timeline.

The following small tasks have been completed by May 18, Monday.

Part 2: Rethinking about the goal

After the project meeting, I reflect on Xi Jing Ping’s One Belt One Road speech as an example of multimodal communication, which requires multimodal machine learning to analyze it. I have asked the question regarding different formats of data, such as visual and text, and their collaboration mechanism as the input data of frame blends detection. I realize I asked a question about multimodal communication even before I know the definition of this concept, which is the essential part of Red Hen’s mission. Thus, I’m intensively reading important publications about multimodal communication besides semantics. Of course, I will focus more on semantics since I will begin with text right now.

This project is challenging yet inspiring; it’s related to cognitive science and the general disciplines of humanities, and aims to offer a useful tool for human analysts. For such a complicated and large-scale project, as Professor Turner mentioned in the initial project meeting with mentors, it’s better to starts with simple and small thing that works, and then build on top of it. From the initial meeting, I summarize and break down the three main goals of functionalities in a progressing manner.

Additionally, I have some preliminary ideas about the interactive system for manually input the text and frame in the further research steps, which need to plan a comprehensive system of rules for entering data with restriction for merging the data to the original dataset. This may also need me to gain more background knowledge about cognitive science and linguistics, especially semantics.

However, I’m not sure which steps I can eventually accomplish during this summer, so I decide to start from the first step, “Detect frame blends.” After having enough confidence in this part, I may then begin to think about the next steps. Thus, I write the third part of this blog post to begin work on “Detect frame blends.”

Part 3: Next step to accomplish “Detect FrameBlends”

After studying and making the judgment from the complicated and massive information, I realize there are a lot of skills and knowledge I do not have yet, but need to have in order to accomplish the goal of this project. Those not-yet-have but have-to-gain tasks are:

My tentative plan for the following week(May 18 ~ May 24) shows as following(Still updating):

Part 4: Study materials

My study materials and important websites that may be helpful for other student who takes over this project:

Blog Report 2

Weekly Summary (May 18 ~ May 24)

In this week, I begin to investigate the existing frame analysing systems, including Semafor, open-SESAME, and Sling, request and study the hand-annotation data(Full Text Annotation) from FrameNet. I also conduct a report for reviewing the existing frame analysing tools. On the theoretical level, I’m reflecting on the mechanism for detecting frame blends, and will discuss my questions and thoughts in the mentor meeting next week.

The following is my daily progress report for this week (May 18 ~ May 24):







Take Notes about FrameNet data, especially Full Text Annotation

The image below is the model of FrameNet architecture:


Frame-to-Frame Relations

With the move to a relational database, we suddenly found ourselves able to represent such frame-to- frame relations, and hence, to make lots of decisions about just what sort of frame hierarchy we wanted, and how it could best be represented.

There are three types of defined frame-to-frame Relations:

Coreness and FE-to-FE relations within a Frame

Three types of FE(frame element):

Non-core types(maybe incomplete):

About Full Text Annotation

For Full Text Annotation, every frame evoking element would be marked as a target, and that most (or all) of the rest of the text would be labeled as frame elements; an opera- tion which would compose the meanings of these labelings would produce at least a good start on a deep representation of the meaning of the text.

Full Text Annotation means to annotate all the frame-evolving words in running text. This annotation method is different because:

Full Text Annotation requires a major efforts to define new frames.It was estimate that they need roughly 250 new frames to cover the first 125 sen- tences of text, which amounts to 50% increase in our total frame inventory.

Current Full Text Annotation includes:



Reviewing The Existing Frame Analysing Tools


An example sentence from the annotations released as part of FrameNet 1.5 with three targets marked in bold. An example sentence from the annotations released as part of FrameNet 1.5 with three targets marked in bold.

Three Subproblems:

There are two stages:


Issue of Semi-Supervised Lexicon Expansion
The poor performance of our frame identification model on targets that were unseen as LUs in FrameNet or as instances in training data, and briefly describe a technique for expanding the set of lexical units with potential semantic frames that they can associate with.

More techniques required:

References: Frame-Semantic Parsing

Open-SESAME OS Open-SESAME add syntax through a traditional pipeline as well as a multi-task learning approach which uses a syntactic scaffold only at training time. They conclude that scaffolding is a cheaper alternative to syntactic features since it does not require syntactic parsing at train or at test time.

This model’s main contributions:

  1. Build the first syntax free frame-semantic argument identification system, introducing the softmax-margin SegRNN. The model using a similar dynamic programming algorithm as zeroth-order semi-Markov dynamic program.
  2. Using the basic model as a foundation to test whether incorporating syntax is still worthwhile. They find that this syntactic pipelining approach improves over both our syntax-free model and achieves state-of-the- art performance.
    • Syntactic features: Phrase-structure features, Dependency features
    • Syntactic scaffolding: Syntactic scaffolds avoid expensive syntactic processing at run- time, only making use of a treebank during training, through a multitask objective. This method minimizes an auxiliary supervised loss function, derived from a syntactic treebank.






SLING frames live inside a frame store. A store is a container that tracks all the frames that have been allocated in the store, and serves as a memory allocation arena for them.


Transition System

The transition system simultaneously builds the frame graph and maintains the attention buffer by moving the frame involved involved in an action to the front of the attention buffer. The transition system consists of the following actions:

For example, the sentence “John hit the ball” generates the following transition sequence: example

Dataset: OntoNotes


Blog Report 3

This week, I mainly work on discussing the theoretical plan for detecting frame blends with mentors, exploring the implementation of SLING on CWRU HPC.

Mentor Meeting Minutes

This section is a brief meeting minutes for today’s meeting with my own comments about further tasks. In this meeting, we mainly discuss the following issues:

My tasks to implement:

Notes about MetaNet

The MetaNet project mainly intends to include three parts:

The three steps ”Metaphor construction → Metaphor extraction → Match construction patterns” compose the iterative analysis process in the MetaNet model.

For the purely empirical, computational and corpus-based method, instead of relying on intuitions about how a given target domain is metaphorically conceptualized, MetaNet explores the possibility to search a corpus and identify which source domain lemmas and frames are used, and with what relative frequency.

It also points out the importance of frame-to-frame relation, because frame-frame relations define how one frame incorporates the semantics of another, metaphor-metaphor relations define the hierarchy of metaphors.

Example: example

References: MetaNet: Deep semantic automatic metaphor analysis

Additional Background Reading

Coding Period Before the First Evaluation

Blog Report 4

Before the official coding period, I mainly finished the following preparation works.

  1. Gain a basic understanding of the data structure and annotation rules of FrameNet Full Text Annotation
  2. Gain a basic understanding of the existing parsers, including Semafor, Open Sesame, and SLING
  3. Gain a basic understanding of multimodal communication and multimodal machine learning
  4. Make progress of understanding the general linguistics and semantics knowledge
  5. Understand the MetaNet model
  6. Gain some background knowledge on Natural Language Processing(NLP) 7, Reach out mentors to discuss progress and further steps
  7. Carefully document my progress and used materials for the benefits of future members

Some thoughts:

I don’t need to focus on the general theory for detecting the frame blends, instead, I should start with actual text and annotation. Even if the algorithm may only apply for one article at first, then the second article, then the third article…after such an iterative process,the algorithm maybe work to some extent. It’s important to find what pattern may be effective to a limited extent, and then increase this extent. At beginning, this task will be solely based on small dataset, depends on the existing annotation of some specific articles of FrameNet full text annotation.

  1. Begin with American National Corpus Texts
  2. Start with data-oriented methods
  3. Work ased on the understanding about FrameNet structure and methods(according to the book FrameNet II: Extended Theory and Practice), especially how this full text annotation has been developed
  4. Start with pseudo code to describe the noticed patterns

Daily Plan and Progress








Blog Report 5






Confirm four functions to achieve in the next few days:

Blog Report 6








Blog Report 7






Blog Report 8




  1. Analysis
    • After run the three embedding methods above, compare and analyze their ouptut corresponding to the same input
    • Think about how “cut-off” value may work here
  2. General reflection
    • FrameNet and NLP(e.g. word embedding) are divergent and not designed to be integrated
    • The integration is new, but can be important and meaningful



Blog Report 9





  1. How Can We Accelerate Progress Towards Human-like Linguistic Generalization?, by Tal Linzen

  2. Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data, by Emily Bender and Alexander Koller

  3. (Re)construing meaning in NLP, by Sean Trott, Tiago Timponi Torrent, Nancy Chang and Nathan Schneider

  1. Since POS tagging is relatively less important for my current tasks, I would like to leave vertical files there for a second. Now I know how to access data in vertical files, so if it’s helpful for further tasks, I can pick them up anytime.




Blog Report 10





Read some related papers, the paper collection shows below:


Blog Report 11


Context representation extraction for the embedding model

  1. GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
    This paper is a project from Stanford NLP Group. It competes with Word2Vec. I have heard about this project before, but not looked closely.This project combines the advantages from global matrix factorization and local context window methods:
    • Matrix Factorization Methods: These methods utilize low-rank ap- proximations to decompose large matrices that capture statistical information about a corpus. The main problem of these methods is that the most frequent words contribute a disproportionate amount to the similarity measure, for example, “the” or “and” will have a large effect on their similarity despite conveying relatively little about their semantic relatedness.
    • Shallow Window-Based Methods: These methods learn word representations that aid in making predictions within local context windows. The shallow window-based methods suffer from the disadvantage that they do not operate directly on the co-occurrence statistics of the corpus

Additionally, this paper presents and evaluates the performances of GloVe on the following tasks, and indicates GloVe outperforms other models on all of them: Word analogies; Word similarity; Named entity recognition.

  1. Dynamic Word Embeddings for Evolving Semantic Discovery
    This paper is an unique one. Instead of contributing to technical refinement, this paper presents a progress on a more cross-disciplinary side of semantics and word embedding. They propose to learn temporal embeddings in all time slices concurrently, and apply regularization terms to smooth embedding changes across time. Compared to the traditional approaches of “compute static word embeddings in each time slice separately, then find a way to align the word embeddings across time slices”, their methods have the following advantages:
    • Improve from the “single-time” methods such as word2vec
    • Suggest that enforcing alignment through regularization yields better results than two-step methods
    • Be able to share information across time slices for the majority of vocabulary, thus it is robust against data sparsity




Make a general plan for the next evaluation period:



Blog Report 12







Blog Report 13







Blog Report 14







Blog Report 15



Here is list of finished tasks in the past week, please see update on Project Google Site, and I will present everything at the meeting.






Blog Report 16





Here comes to the end. Thank you all for this wonderful summer!